Bulk Actions
Have you ever wanted to change status of 100s of orders in one go, or kick off routing for 100s of orders, or archive 1000s of orders in one click? We got you!
Introducing Bulk Actions
Bulk actions are available on the following list pages:
1. Orders
2. Shipping Requests
3. Products
4. Inventory
You can set your filter on the list page to select the entities you are interested in.
Click on the checkbox on the header row of the table. You will see an option to "Select all xxxx items". If you click on that link, all entries including ones not displayed on the current page will be selected for the bulk action.
Select one of the action available to perform.
You will be asked an email id to receive the result of the bulk action. You can more multiple addresses.
You will shortly receive an email with an attachment containing the action result for each order selected.